My Journey as a Medical Intuitive

I don't think that anyone ever grows up thinking they want to be a medical intuitive. We all have aspirations of following in our parents' footsteps, becoming doctors, lawyers, or maybe bankers. But do you really sit and choose to be a medical intuitive? No, that's not usually the case.

When I was four years old, I had an experience watching the riots on television during the Vietnam War. Yes, I am that old. I heard a distinct voice tell me that everything was going to be fine as I watched people shouting and carrying signs on TV. The voice was calming and reassuring. Being that my family went to Catholic mass every Sunday, I figured this had to be God talking to me. But I really have no idea if it was a guide, God, or who exactly the spirit was.

I knew it too be an IN CHARGE, Commanding voice.

Over the next few years, I had memories of small visions that I would see. Coincidentally, years later, I realized it had a lot to do with the length of my hair.

It was in the mid-70s that I recall having more distinct visions and knowingness. I remember blurting out to my teacher that the neighboring teacher sharing a common classroom was pregnant. She wasn't wearing maternity clothes, and this was the mid-70s.

(Farrah Faucet layered hair was in. I tried to wear my hair longer, and it did this kind of swooshing thing in the back. It touched my collar. It was hard to style. )

No one was supposed to know she was pregnant, and how the heck did I? I was immediately reprimanded and sent to the principal's office for eavesdropping in the teachers' lounge. I had no idea where the teachers' lounge even was. But I did know that the teacher across the way was definitely pregnant. From that experience, I learned that I should not just blurt things out, obviously.

I just knew things, and I didn't know how to tell anyone that I knew things. I didn't necessarily feel different from anyone else—I thought everybody had this capability. It wasn't until many years later when I asked a couple of friends if they had any intuition that I realized this was all me.

I distinctly recall asking my dad in the late 70s if there would be a time when we could track an airplane going through the sky and know exactly where it was by looking at a TV screen, because that's what I had seen in my vision. He replied, "No, but televisions will hang on the wall like a picture." So, I had some inclination that my father and probably my mother were both psychically gifted, but we never talked about it. I did notice every afternoon my mom would lay down and put her arm or her hand across her forehead as if to block out the third eye, because I believe she was seeing lots of information and didn't know what to do with it. It's very possible that she thought she had a mental illness.

In my middle school years, I knew things about teachers—some of them were behaving inappropriately—but who could I tell, and how did I find out this information? I learned to think before I spoke, keep information to myself, and when I heard a voice or had a feeling that told me to exit the freeway or find a parking spot down a certain row, I would listen.
There has to be more to this intuition than finding princess parking or avoiding an accident on the freeway.

(I decided that the in look of short hair was easier to style, so I got a curly perm and saved it on the sides and back.)

Life went on, my hair was short, and I got married, had two kids, and didn't really pay too much attention to intuition until the day it felt like lightning struck me.

When I look back on that day, I think it had to be some sort of planetary alignment. I was given a message through a song in that moment that said my life was going to pivot, and boy did it in a big way. I was no longer willing to put up with the behavior of my kids' dad and knew he needed to get help. So, I had the talk with him. Two months later, all in preparation that he would not accept any help, I did in fact file for divorce as a single mom of a kindergartner and five-month-old. What the heck was I doing? I was following my intuition, of course. I had been given that song "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" along with that electric spark that went from my head all the way through my toes into the ground and back. It shook me to my core, and it was the wake-up call I needed.

Trust me, life was not easy, and I look back on it wondering how the heck I did it all—being a single mom, a college student, and an emergency medical technician volunteer.

"Resilience is built from Wreckage."

I rebuilt my life and met a wonderful man who treated my children as if they were his own. Lots of ups and downs, mixing some irony and tragedy.

With all the moves back and forth from the South back to the Pacific Northwest, adding a few pounds on, I pivoted again and decided to grow my hair out! Who would have ever thought that I had the curly hair I dreamed about? For years I had been going faithfully to get my hair permed curly. All my friends in high school had beautiful flowing curly hair. If I'd only been patient and let my hair grow out earlier!! I really didn't have the patience then.

This seemingly small thing of growing my hair out sparked my intuitive sense times 100. It was like each of those curly locks, each strand of my hair, was a filament and a conduit to my guides. Similar to the Native Americans and Sampson's story from the bible.

The length of my hair has a direct correlation to my gifts.

Through synchronicity, I met Andrew Brewer, the rock and roll psychic, and he mentored me for a few months. It turns out I'm what's called a remote viewer. I can see things through other people—not only things but I can see in other people's bodies, I can see in their energy fields, I can see future things, I can see past things, and I can talk to dead relatives! Isn't that wild?!

For a long time, I kept these gifts, talents, abilities—whatever we call them—hidden. I didn't share them with my husband or my family because I wanted to protect them from any kind of ridicule that might be passed along to them. My kids are grown, and it's time to fully step into my advanced intuitive abilities.

Once I was comfortable doing readings for very little money but lots of experience, I put up a website and decided to do it part-time. It has been such a blessing for me and my clients. But here we are again, with the astrology changing, and me coming fully into being an advanced medical intuitive.

Partly with my own experience, knowing that there was something wrong inside my body and seeking out answers in the medical community but actually finding them with Quantum Biofeedback and my own psychic gifts, it really spurred me on to help other people who may also be struggling with these same types of issues. You're sick, you feel like there's something wrong, you have symptoms, and yet you talk to the doctor, the nurse practitioner, anyone who will listen, and still you have no answers. You're like my perfect client!

I only felt well while I was taking antibiotics. Who gets addicted to antibiotics? I went from doctor to doctor, letting them know that my legs felt swollen. I didn't really run a fever, but I was exhausted by afternoon, and they did all sorts of tests. Sometimes I had a urinary tract infection, sometimes not. I had a dream that there was a fuchsia screen on Quantum Biofeedback that held my answers, so I went looking for those answers, and I found it in the name of a bacteria. I researched the bacteria and where it could possibly live in the body. Then I made an appointment with my nurse practitioner, who was functional medicine certified. She listened intently. I also gave her information about another device that I used on the body for pain and inflammation. Knowing that I had the name of the bacteria and the specific area, I was a little concerned because it was near my colon. But I went to the ultrasound appointment and then to the surgeon. After a CT scan confirmed that I likely had an infection in my abdomen that had been missed for years, I scheduled surgery.

I distinctly asked the surgeon to check for plastic because I had seen an oval-shaped piece of plastic in my gut. He assured me that before closing, they take an x-ray. And I then asked him, "Would a surgery prior to 1990 have shown a metal strip in gauze or in plastic?" He said he didn't think so. Three weeks later, I had surgery, and they had to remove 16 inches of my large intestine because it was necrotic and infected. It would seem that either during an abdominal surgery in the 80s or my hysterectomy in the 90s, they're not really sure which, that the oval punch-out piece to the IV bag was in my abdominal cavity next to my large intestine near my colon.

Of course, I was given all the information about how I couldn't sue because they couldn't really tell which surgery it was from. All I cared about was that I didn't have to be on antibiotics anymore because someone had finally found the cause for all of my swelling and discomfort. All the time they looked in blood work, did blood cultures—the infection wasn't in my bloodstream, it was in my abdomen and in my cellular spaces. Clinically, in my chart, it will appear as diverticulitis because they didn't really know what else to call it. Malpractice, that's what I call it.

Each day, I find that people have some sort of symptom or issue that's been overlooked because our medical system is really broken. I can't necessarily blame the doctor I see because I know he/she only has seven minutes to spend with me because that's all the insurance algorithm will allow.

So you have to go in forearmed and connect the dots for your practitioner so that they order the right test to find exactly what the problem is. I could easily get off on a tangent here about electronic health records, no longer having a paper chart in front of you, and not looking a patient in the eye, but let's stick on topic for now, shall we?

I wrote a book a year ago called "One Minute Stress Release: Eliminate Anxiety and

Improve Your Health." In that book, I talk about a client named Lauren, who we were able to help with massive anxiety attacks and people looking at her from across the room or across the road. Yes, it was the One Minute Stress Release Technique that helped most, but there was also an opening or closing of the third eye technique that we discovered while working together during an intuitive medical session. I was guided to have her open her third eye like a camera aperture and ask her if it felt open or closed. She responded, "It feels squishy and ringing like a dish rag, tight." So I had her go the other direction twice as far, and that felt better. If she continued to go around and around the other direction, she said it began to sound echoing, like too much was able to get in. So she went back the other direction until she felt like it was a comfortable space between too open and too closed.

This is how I discovered the third eye taking action and doing a kinesthetic exercise to open and close the third eye. It is quite profound, and that is my gift to you today.

Over the years of studying different types of medicine, kinesiology, muscle testing, being a medical intuitive presenter with Caroline Sutherland (the Hay House author of "The Body Knows"), I have come to develop exercises and action steps that enhance my medical intuitive sense. These skills and my spirit guides help me help people seeking answers.

If you would like a healing session Click here.

If you would like to learn how to be a medical intuitive like me, Click here

Follow me on socials and YouTube to get the latest information, on-the-spot readings, and upcoming lunch webinars.

Here is what people have to say about Marie and her ability to solve health mysteries.

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All intuitive guidance, coaching and vibrational healing received by Marie Matteson, MS are meant to complement, not replace, any medical treatments you may be receiving and feel that it is imperative that you seek outside counsel with your trusted medical practitioner. Being an advocate for your own health & wellness is an important and critical decision for cultivating mind-body connection with oneself.


All intuitive guidance, coaching and vibrational healing received by Marie Matteson, MS are meant to complement, not replace, any medical treatments you may be receiving and feel that it is imperative that you seek outside counsel with your trusted medical practitioner. Being an advocate for your own health & wellness is an important and critical decision for cultivating mind-body connection with oneself.

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